Writerly Stuff II

I want to send out a quick thank you to all of you who suggested article topics. As I've now received official word, and my first check, I can tell you why I asked.

I'm being paid to write articles for CarSeek.com.

Yes, you read that correctly. The woman who doesn't even really like cars is writing for a car site.
(I do, however, LOVE research, and market trends, and writing, and learning new things.)

Okay, it's a website, not a glossy magazine.
But it's content not code.

And they're giving me money to do it.

Back in January I wrote my Mondo Beyondo list and said, “I will write for a living.”

It's beginning to happen.

And you all helped.

Thank you.

Permalink at MissMeliss.com

Hurricane Housing

A recent addition to my LJ flist posted information about MoveOn's Hurricane Housing website. As my OD friend seems to be okay for now, we've posted our guest room as an offering. Their blurb is quoted below:

I'm sure you've seen the horrifying images on TV of destruction left by Hurricane Katrina, and the many, many people left with nowhere to go.

You can help. MoveOn.org just launched a website, www.hurricanehousing.org, to connect your empty beds with hurricane victims who desperately need a place to wait out the storm.

You can post your offer of housing (a spare room, extra bed, even a decent couch) on www.HurricaneHousing.org or search there for housing if you need it.

MoveOn will pass requests from hurricane victims or relief agencies on to volunteer hosts, who can decide whether or not to respond to a particular request. The host remains anonymous until they reply to someone looking for housing.

I just posted my own offer. I hope you will too, or pass this on to people you know in the Southeast:


Housing is most urgently needed within reasonable driving distance (about 300 miles) of the affected areas, especially New Orleans.

Permalink at MissMeliss.com