I wish I could report that I’ve written scads on my NaNovel, but I haven’t even touched it. Instead, I’ve been clearing my desk, so to speak, and finishing other projects. Projects that involve the receipt of cash.
So far today, I started a loan package for one of my clients, made a flyer for another (I love making flyers. Does that count as resume fodder for my writing resume, do you think?), and set up an interview for a part time job doing customer service from home. Why the latter? Because I realized when I just didn’t connect with the interviewer on Friday, that I don’t really WANT to go back to corporate America, I just want a little more cash coming in the door. So, this job, hopefully, will allow me to put writing first, and still do Mexico loans with my mother, and yet not feel like I’m not contributing enough to the household. This year is one of the first years EVER that Fuzzy is making more than me, and I’m just not accustomed to it. Time for a paradigm shift, I guess.
And then there were PRESENTS. Clay, who shall hereafter be known as the Creativity Elf gifted me with a much-desired book (The Well-Fed Writer: Financial Self Sufficiency as a Freelance Writer in Six Months or Less), and a cool cd, though the latter came with an assignment, of sorts. But, you know, in a good way.
And then, I’ve started researching my next piece for the place I’m contracted with, and have an idea for a piece I plan to submit to All Things Girl, and… and… and…
Well, you get the idea.
I’ve had no fewer than three people tell me this week that I need to submit more things to paying markets, so we’ll see. In any case, I’m in such a good groove that I’m looking FORWARD to our upcoming Missouri trip.
No, really.