
Raspy is how I sound, now that I have a small part of my voice back. Oh, my flu has flown but it’s left its good friends to settle in my lungs. I have a great doctor, who complimented my hair, and good drugs, including pineapple flavored cough syrup with codeine that not only stops the scary phlegm-y coughing fits, but ALSO knocks me out. I’ve had more sleep in the last two days than I have all week, with weird vivid dreams, and Fuzzy is taking care to keep me in salads and juice and water, and the dogs are extra snuggly, which actually is a bit annoying.

I’ll write something real tomorrow or Tuesday.

4 thoughts on “Raspy

  1. I feel for you, Melissa, and second Janet’s thought. Maybe you should record a short segment for your readers. I’d be sure to listen!

    My new girlfriend passed on a bug to me this past weekend and my throat is just starting to get sore. Damn germs! I hope you’re feeling better now, Melissa. Don’t neglect that chicken soup!

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