Wordless Wednesday: Little Grandpop

Little Grandpop

Grandpop Natale, my great-grandfather, used to babysit us by telling us to be quiet while he watched the fights on TV. He died when I was five or six, and he was shorter, in life, than I am now, but when I was that little, I thought he was tall.

14 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Little Grandpop

  1. How sweet!! my grandparents died when I was a little girl…. that’s a great picture, he looks like a warm-hearted man. Happy ww.

  2. What a memory you have. Great picture. I’m glad you told us about him. Memory is not what we keep inside but we carry and pass on to others.

    Thank you for visiting my TT last week. This week I’m thanking my fellow TTer’s. Come by and get your thanks!

  3. Great picture. Thank you for sharing. Keeping a memory alive is not what we keep to ourselves but we carry and give to others.

    Thank you for visiting my TT last week. This week I’m thanking my fellow TTer’s. Come by and get your thanks!

  4. Great picture. Thank you for sharing your memory.

    Keeping a memory alive is not holding onto it inside us but carrying it and giving it to others.

    Thank you for visiting my TT last week. This week I am thanking my fellow TTer’s. Come get your thanks!

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