
I don’t usually write about this here, but I’m psyched because despite having a really horrible couple of days, migraine-wise, and not wanting to even do walkies with the dogs, I’ve lost three more pounds, for a total, over five and a half weeks, of seventeen.

I’m three pounds from my first goal.

This experience has taught me a lot. First, it’s taught me that whether you’re using a cream, a pill, or a diet patch, those external helpers are just that – HELP. They’re support, but the real work comes from you, from inside.

I’ve also learned that sometimes it really is better just to have the chocolate bar (or, in my case, a third of a chocolate bar) because the stress over wanting something, and feeling miserable about it, is often worse than just having it. But only sometimes. Not every day.

I’ve re-discovered my love of cooking. It helps that we bought a George Foreman grill, because I treat it like a toy, not a boring kitchen appliance. I’ve learned that I don’t have to be impatient with the dogs because they want to sniff every tree, because we’re having a mild summer, and if I wear shorts on our walkies (which, I admit, is a juvenile spelling, but it’s not a trigger to the dogs when pronounced that way, and it sound so much more upbeat and positive than “walk.”) I can work on my tan and be active at the same time.

And generally, I’m a much happier person, and sleeping better, since I started all this.

Happy Friday.
Happy Me.

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