Following in the footsteps of one of my favorite web-witches, Hootin’ Anni, my newer blog-buddy Wakela Runen is passing along Halloween Treats to folks on her blogroll, and I was so treated. Thanks, Wakela!
These are the guidelines for bloggish trick or treat:
Each day up until Halloween [October 31st]
Hootin’ Anni will be handing out
a treat for 1 – 5[one to five] bloggers who drop by
during the week for visiting.
You’re more than welcomed to pass it along
to ones you think are deserving of a special treat
for the season.
Kinda like “Pay it Forward”
Y’know, one goodwill gesture deserves another?
But DON’T just choose your friends
making this cliquish and ‘just groupies’…
Make NEW friends by choosing random visitors!!!
It seems that ‘awards’ are floating around blogland
and just “blog friends” get chosen all the time.
Make it RANDOM!!If you do decide to share it with others
link it back to my blog and
explain where the idea originated.
And these are the people I’m treating. There are more than five, because I know I won’t get around to posting this every day:
Becca of Becca’s Byline
CajunVegan of I Read Banned Books
Carmi of Written, Inc.
Dave of Utenzi Blog
Frank & Lisa of Notes from Zone 4
Gautami of Rooted
Herb of Herb Urban
Jeremy of Give Mama Some Sugar
Nat of The Capacious Hold-All
sister AE of Having Writ
The Synergizer of Miss Kitty Fantastico
(At least one of these blogs is one where I lurk, reading but never – or rarely commenting, others were chosen because they’re not getting the attention they deserve.)
Feel free to grab the image and pass on your own treats, but don’t forget to credit Hootin’ Anni if you do.
thank you! i uh, don’t get it though … i’m suppossed to go there and say that you gave me a treat? errr, then what? oh well, I guess I’ll just try it and figure it out. :-)
Thanks, Miss Meliss! I appreciate the “treat” and will certainly think about how to pass it on.
Thanks for the honor, Miss Meliss! Can I blow up this picture and tape it to me door for Halloween, or do I need to visit other blogs and spook them? Either way is cool with me. Thanks for the honor!
Thank you, Melissa~ I was in need of a treat to go with my morning coffee :)
Now I’m off to visit the others you’ve treated!