While Fuzzy has no real need for beach wedding attire, my parents live on the beach in Baja, and since Fuzzy and my step-father Ira are the same size, I pressed Fuzzy into service as a model, when given an opportunity to accept and review a shirt from FridayShirts.com.
The website has far more choices than I thought were possible in a button-down shirt, each with subtly different fabric options, or stitching, but with my mother’s advice, we selected a black shirt. I was surprised when, a few days later, I got a live phone call from one of the company’s representatives, Yeoh, (which I’m probably misspelling, for which I apologize) to confirm my order, and also ask what color thread I wanted the embroidery in, how many pockets I wanted, and whether or not we wanted embroidery on the collar as well. After answering all her questions, she told me I’d be receiving the shirt in about four weeks.
It came on Friday, almost exactly four weeks later, and it’s beautiful. Rich cotton, hand-stitched detailed embroidery, pockets placed near the bottom, which is traditional for this kind of shirt – all are exactly as expected. There are also buttoned side vents that can be opened for a bit more ease around the hips, if necessary.
I took my goofy husband’s picture in it (below), but I’m really looking forward to seeing Ira wear it, when we present it at Christmas. With his darker complexion, it will be amazing.
FridayShirts hand makes each garment (they’re made in Nicaragua) to order, so the delivery time of four weeks is typical, but they’re so friendly and informative, and the shirts are so well made, that it’s completely worth the wait.