Words, Words, Words (now with live links)

…or at least links to them

As I posted, I’ve become more active in my favorite e-zine All Things Girl, and they’ve given me the title of Sr. Editor. The mid-issue update will go live on April 1st (no, really) but in the meantime I’ve got some stuff in the March/April edition already:

Sun Hats and Fresh Tomatoes is a brief nostalgia trip to my grandfather’s garden.

and I also reviewed the book

Midori by Moonlight, by Wendy Nelson Tokunaga.

As well, tonight/tomorrow a new webzine, Pink Nighties, a new erotic e-zine is having it’s launch, and I have two pieces in that, as well as a “contributing editor” credit:

Chai is the first part of a short story that will be serialized there over the next several issues, and there’s also a
Product Review (bear in mind it’s a sex-positive, erotic fiction zine when considering that piece).

(Friday: 8:44 AM CDT: This post has been updated to include live links to the stuff at Pink Nighties. Enjoy. )



So, Sara assigned me the task of coming up with ten things that begin with O, that somehow relate to me. I’ve done a Thursday Thirteen about both the letter O and the color Orange already, which is why I’m doing a podcast this time.

Or at least I was going to…until I realized it’s almost two am, and I broke a tooth earlier, and I really should sleep and stuff.

So…look for an audio post tomorrow.

Well, if I can talk.