The Second Voyage of Calypso

Jacques Cousteau Statue by Ron Jordan

Brief: Take one of your previous plays and expand it in some fashion.


JACQUES:                  (watching both) I see why you brought Mr. Steinbeck to join us.

JOHN:                         Because she likes my work?

JACQUES:                  No… because she sees a kinship between herself and us.

JOHN:                         A kinship. Because we both love Baja?

JACQUES:                  That probably sparked the flame, but no… it’s because she sees us as alike. To this lovely young woman –

MELISSA:                   Hey, I’m almost fifty; I’m hardly young.

JOHN:                         Maybe not in years, but definitely in miles.

JACQUES:                  You have youthful energy, my dear. In any case, as I was saying, to this lovely young woman, we are the same. We are both explorers. I spend more of my time under the sea, you on the surface, but… in this we are the same. (to MELISSA) You… you’re an explorer as well.


Follow the link below to read the entire play.

027 – The Second Voyage of Calypso



Brief: Write a play with no plot.


Scene 5: Electricity


He:                              (proudly) I’ve made the center light switches match.


She:                              So, up is on, and down is off?


He:                              No, they’re opposite, because otherwise the door switches don’t match.


She:                              You know I’m just gonna switch them back later, right?

Follow the link below to read the entire play.

026 – Post-Its

Cold Therapy

Ice Hotel Chapel

Brief: Use environmental sustainability as the inspiration for a play.

Notes: It’s possible that I just wanted to set something in an ice hotel.


YUERIG:                    Good, good. We are here tonight to talk about sacrifice.

WOMAN 1:                Like the animals who sacrificed themselves to give us the blankets on the seats?

WOMAN 2:                I don’t see you sticking your bum down on bare ice.

MAN 1:                       Can we just listen to the man?

YUERIG:                    The harvesting of wool doesn’t harm sheep, and removing the matted, heavy fleece keeps them cool in summer.

MAN 2:                       So, what’s your point?

YUERIG:                    Sacrifice. It’s what we are called to do during Lent, right? Give something up to prove our love of God, and our worthiness for redemption… but what do we sacrifice?

Follow the link below to read the entire play:

025 – Cold Therapy

Going Viral

Wet Ones

Brief: Write a comedy.

Notes: I thought it was amusing that so many personal hygiene products (handy wipes, hand sanitizer) were out of stock on Amazon.


CHAD:                        No… the flu is actually far more lethal. A lot of this is circumstance. A lot more is hype.


KAREN:                     And close quarters in China… still I worry. I mean, my hands are getting dry and scaly from washing them so frequently.


CHAD:                        I know. I know.


KAREN:                     And even the expensive hand lotion doesn’t help.


CHAD:                        Maybe try moisturizing wipes.


KAREN:                     Wipes? Like Baby wipes?


CHAD:                        No, like handy wipes. Like that show from years back… Priest or Nun or whatever.


KAREN:                     Monk.


CHAD:                        Right, Monk.

Follow the link below to read the entire play:

024 – Going Viral