A is for…

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A is for the ache in my throat and lungs when I woke up this morning, chilled, even though Fuzzy was fever-hot, and wrapped around me. It’s so rare that he’s sick enough to stay home…

Craving fruit, I went exploring in the fridge and found apples, which made me think of the episodes in The West Wing that mention apples and peanut butter as an official snack. I remember having that combination in pre-school, actually.

I also remember having fun with AlphaBits cereal in pre-school, and having a teacher who made us spell polysyllabic words with the sugar-coated letters, before we were allowed to eat them. Then again, I also used to try to find words in the letters of alphabet soup. Ahh, childhood. Funny macaroni and a bit of tomato base, and you were both fed and entertained.