Reading Report – Sept/Oct 2005

As predicted, it's been a lazy day here. Neither of us are feeling great, and Fuzzy's been in an antihistamine haze. We ventured out, in fact, only to feed my addiction to frou-frou coffee.

I have, finally, updated my book blog at, with nine of the eleven books I've read since my last update, on September 11th. (Two were Silhouette novels read strictly for research purposes, and I haven't listed them.)

Also, only the last three were allowed to filter to LiveJournal.

Here's the list, in roughly chronological order.
For my comments, please see the book blog:

  1. Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Lynne Truss
  2. Star Trek Titan: Taking Wing, Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
  3. Forgiveness: Wisdom from Around the World, Gillian Stokes
  4. Egalia's Daughters, Gerd Brantenberg
  5. Kushiel's Avatar, Jacqueline Carey
  6. Miracle, Danielle Steel
  7. The Cat Who Could Read Backwards, Lilian Jackson Braun
  8. The Cat Who Went Bananas, Lilian Jackson Braun
  9. Atlantis Found, Clive Cussler

And to answer the question asked by Mr. Parallelogram at Open Diary, I'm currently reading The Baker's Apprentice, by Judith Ryan Hendricks – it's the sequel to an old favorite of mine, Bread Alone.

The rest of the books on my nightstand are listed in the sidebar at the bookblog.

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