Going Viral

Wet Ones

Brief: Write a comedy.

Notes: I thought it was amusing that so many personal hygiene products (handy wipes, hand sanitizer) were out of stock on Amazon.


CHAD:                        No… the flu is actually far more lethal. A lot of this is circumstance. A lot more is hype.


KAREN:                     And close quarters in China… still I worry. I mean, my hands are getting dry and scaly from washing them so frequently.


CHAD:                        I know. I know.


KAREN:                     And even the expensive hand lotion doesn’t help.


CHAD:                        Maybe try moisturizing wipes.


KAREN:                     Wipes? Like Baby wipes?


CHAD:                        No, like handy wipes. Like that show from years back… Priest or Nun or whatever.


KAREN:                     Monk.


CHAD:                        Right, Monk.

Follow the link below to read the entire play:

024 – Going Viral