Objects in Mirror



The Brief

So it’s time for an autobiography! Time to tell our stories. Perhaps you believe you have a funny one… or perhaps yours is tragic… or perhaps it’s boring… or perhaps… as my pre-brief suggested … it’s simply pointless!
Either way – put it in a play (I think that can be the next 28 Plays Later slogan)

Our lives… as eventful or boring as the may be… have been going on for a long time. I think this challenge calls for a saga.
I expect many, many scenes… I expect many, many characters – some leads… some walk-ons.


The Excerpt

WRITER runs a hand through her hair messing up her already frazzled messy bun.


But the thing is, Madeleine L’Engle was right when she said that the Judao-Christian God was literally MADE of Story, then if humans are made in God’s image, we’re made of Story too, so if you want to know me, the best way to know who I am, is through the stories I tell.

WRITER turns to leave, then pauses on the edge of the spotlight’s circle of illumination and steps back into the light.


Bribing me with dark chocolate and frou-frou coffee have also been known to work.


To Read the Entire Play

Click Here: 1902.23 – Objects in Mirror

Between the Wire and the Wood



The Brief

Every writer has started working on something and then gave up halfway through. We all have somewhere an incomplete idea or play.
Your challenge for today, should you choose to accept it, is to find one of those ideas and complete them!

If you manage to do that – you will become a god!
It will be like raising the dead!


The Excerpt


(rolling over and sitting up, but keeping the sheets wrapped around her)

Do I smell coffee?


You do… Slide over…


Ohhh… I do love you.


You say that to all the men who bring you coffee in bed.


No… only to the ones who remember I like cream.


Ah, well, then I’m in luck.


To Read the Entire Play

Click Here: 1902.22-Between the Wire and the Wood




The Brief

So maybe it’s time to be a bit controversial (we haven’t had any controversial challenge this year, have we?!)… so for this year’s controv top let’s look at Cultural Appropriation!

A heated and very current topic, but it does raise a few interesting questions – for example, at what point does inspiration become appropriation? And shouldn’t we as artists we be excited to learn about other cultures and from this melt pot that is our brain to create something new, or are we treading on dangerous waters by even subconsciously immersing ourselves in other cultures.

You may have heard about the controversial speech that Lionel Shriver made about cultural appropriation, asking whether writers shouldn’t be allowed to write from other perspectives that are not theirs culturally. And without ruffling any feathers (remember, I’m only asking questions, not giving any answers) where is the boundary? Should a white man be allowed to write from a black woman’s perspective? Should a gay woman be allowed to write from a trans’ perspective? Should a German writer be allowed to write from a Polish perspective? Or should we only write from our own limited experiences in life?

Perhaps the solution to this quandary is something completely different. Is writing truthfully and honestly becoming too crippling now? Maybe the way out of this minefield is by going away from the limited mind, the limited human experience, and taking art into new realms? (but that might be a brief of its own)
I don’t know… over to you!


The Excerpt


I guess it’s my turn to ‘not understand.’


The Terran philosopher Alan Watts once said “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” By ‘trying on’ aspects of another culture, so long at it is done respectfully – by ‘stepping into another’s skin’ as you do when you inhabit the characters you play, you are granting yourself a new perspective not just on the culture you are attempting to represent, but on your own culture as well.


I… guess. But… that doesn’t necessarily make it okay.


Have you asked Mac why he wants you to play the part?


To Read the Entire Play

Click here: 1902.21-Quandary

Blood Moon and Endless Summer



The Brief

Today you will have a choice between BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Radio 6 Music

BBC Radio 5 Live – “Live news and live sport”. With regular news updates every half hour, this is where any breaking news will first be broadcast. It also dedicates 35% of its scheduling to sport, either as live coverage or for discussion-led show.


BBC Radio 6 Music – The station describes itself as, “the cutting edge music of today, the iconic and groundbreaking music of the past 40 years and unlimited access to the BBC’s wonderful music archive”. It is also the only station giving DJs full control over what they are playing. Commerciality doesn’t come into it, and the DJs are highly regarded by their listeners as experts, as are the listeners by the DJs.


For bonus points – Sports and alternative culture – now there’s a combination of a play I’d love to see!


The Excerpt

Yeah, me too. Or with my dad, when we’d go fishing on weekends.


I miss fishing trips. We should go sometime.


… and we’re deep into game five of the 2018 world series, and it’s the bottom of the fifteenth, and something… something weird is happening to the crowd… they’ve stopped screaming “batter, batter,” and are moaning for… brains…



Did he say what I think he said?






To Read the Entire Play

Click here 1902.20 – Blood Moon and Endless Summer

Only 60,000 Milliseconds


The Brief

So this week is all about the magnificent BBC Radio, with a particular eye on writing for audiences.

Today you will have a choice between BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4

BBC Radio 3 – Best known for its classical content, which constitutes about 85% of its scheduling, this station also plays jazz, world music, new music, arts programmes and even has a weekly slot for drama. Most famously worldwide, this station is the home to the Proms and it broadcasts more live music than any other network.


BBC Radio 4 – Dubbed by some as a station for the “middle-class, liberal elite”, this is an all-speech station that discusses and presents topics ranging from current events, art, comedy, entertainment, religion, philosophy and almost anything, really. It is also the home to many playwrights, as it presents a substantial amount of new drama.


For bonus points – and seeing as both stations’ demographics are fairly similar, perhaps try to bridge some gaps. Create a piece of populist theatre that still takes its inspiration from these slightly more “high-brow” stations. Can we create a piece to bring together Radio 4 Listeners and Daily Mail readers? Can we bring together Radio 3 listeners and One Directioners (they’re still a thing, right?)


The Excerpt


Alright, welcome back, everyone to Only Sixty Thousand Milliseconds. This is the game where each of our players will attempt to speak on a given topic for sixty thousand milliseconds without hesitating, deviating, repeating or Shatnerizing.


All hail Shatner! All hail the Shat!


As well, we have one rule that no one’s allowed to break, and that’s Wheaton’s Law. What’s that law everyone?


Don’t be a dick!


Right, so what that means is that while you will be buzzed for any of the four listed infractions, you are allowed to repeat the words in the topic, and you’re allowed to re-use common words like a, an, the, and, or, is, et cetera. If you are buzzed out and the reason is valid, the person who buzzed you gains a point and takes over the topic and remaining time. If the reason was invalid, the original speaker gains a point and keeps the topic. If you aren’t buzzed out you keep speaking until you hear the timer go, and if you’re still speaking at the end of sixty thousand milliseconds, you get a point for that, as well. Are you ready to play?


To Read the Entire Play

Click Here: 1902.19 – Only 60000 Milliseconds

Dead Rock Stars



The Brief

So this week is all about the magnificent BBC Radio, with a particular eye on writing for audiences.

Today you will have a choice between BBC Radio 1 and BBC Radio 2

BBC Radio 1 – “Where it Beings” – this station is aimed at an audience aged 15-29, playing mainstream music, with a focus on entertainment and music that is “the sound of now”. About 4,000 new songs are played every month. It also includes news, documentaries and advice for young adults.

BBC Radio 2 – “The Home of Great Music” – this station is aimed at an audience aged 35-55, mixing all genres of music, current and oldies, covering things from live concerts to religious output and social action campaigns.

You can also choose Radio 1Xtra – a digital station aimed at an audience aged 15-24, that plays contemporary Hip Hop and RnB with a strong emphasis on new and live music.


The Excerpt


Yes, you do. You do it all the time. Every time there’s some dead-rock-star song on the radio, you do it.


(growing exasperated)

Jill, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.


JILL returns her seat to its upright position in as passive-aggressive a manner as is possible.

You… were just doing it in the car, and you did it in the grocery store. You… you bop around and act cute, like you want people to see you, and it’s horribly embarrassing and you do it on purpose!


‘Bop around and act cute?’


Yeah, you know… dancing to the radio while driving. Dancing to the music in the store. But never the good music. Like this station… seriously… dead rock stars is all they play…


To Read the Entire Play

Click here: 1902.18 – Dead Rock Stars

Hope it Gives You Halal

Organic Falafel Stand - NYC Street Fair - 9-1-12


The Brief

Today I’ll give you the opening line – you just have to do the rest!

And here it is:


“Get your filthy hand off me, JJ, the falafel is burning and after what your ferret did to the doctor, I think you have a lot of explaining to do!”


Make the play as long or as short as you like!

Use as many or as few actors as you like!

In other words, do what you like!


Bonus points if you end the play with the following line:

“If I see your red-tailed donkey in the shopping centre one more time, I’ll send the geese to eat your kids.”


The Excerpt

FATIMA:        (angry) Well, Mama isn’t here now. (realizing, quietly) And Daddy isn’t either. Oh, Jay, I miss them, too. Mama can’t come back to us, ever, but at least Daddy is alive and well and not in ICE custody like so many others. And at least they left us a way to pay the bills.

Fatima peers through the window and determines that those final customers have left. She kills the lights in the parking lot and turns off the OPEN sign.

FATIMA:        Go bus those last couple of tables, will you, and I’ll shut down in here, and then we can go home. Kevin’s making chili tonight.

JJ:                     (brightly) No leftover shawarma?

FATIMA:        (affectionately) No leftover shawarma.


To Read the Entire Play

Click Here: 1902.17 – Hope it Gives You Halal

Universal Truths



The Brief

  1. You must have at least 6 characters in the play. 3 in the first act and 3 in the second act. 3 actors must double these 3 parts, and there needs to be a good reason for it. If you are gendering any of the characters – the actor playing that character must play a different gender in the second act. Feel free to add more characters in either acts if you want.

  2. One character loses their hair throughout the show, two other characters swap clothes at some point.

  3. There must be no less than 3 pauses and no more than 7 pauses throughout the play – each of them at a different length.

  4. One of the scenes revolves around a piece of garbage that was brought inside by the second character to speak in the play.

  5. Every line of dialogue must have one of the following: either 6 words, 17 words, 31 words, 33 words, 66 words or 101 words (you can punctuate as you like).

  6. Each of the two acts has at least 3 scenes in it, and each scene must have a minimum of 12 spoken lines in it. Except for the last scene – that must have a minimum of 24 spoken lines in it.

  7. One of the characters pushes two of the other characters for two different reasons.

  8. One character sings a song; one character dances a dance; one character paints a painting; one character plays the trumpet; two characters play Scrabble.

  9. Every scene should have a minimum of 5 descriptions and 5 stage directions.

  10. All the characters have to have names – all the names have to have a symbolic meaning behind them. And a character can’t speak the first letter in their name!


The Excerpt

KATE:                                 (cheery, she and GEORGIA really are best friends, even if the artsy doesn’t always like the brash, brassy actress) Why, just super, sweety. And yours?

GEORGIA:                         Oh, you know. Painted a lot…

KATE:                                 Flirted with my brother a lot…

GEORGIA:                         (blushing) It’s possible there was mutual flirtation.

KATE:                                 Oh, I don’t doubt it. You two are perfect for each other. Armstrong, darling are you using your words yet?

ARMSTRONG:                   Dwi-bon ke-bop, bop, be bop boom.

KATE:                                 (drily) I guess not. So, anyone hungry? I’m craving Chinese, and the place around the corner’s open late.  I’m willing to treat, but if you want beer, you’ll have to play me for it.

GEORGIA:                         Hands of poker for free beer?

KATE:                                 Cards’re for geezers and frat boys, Georgie-licious. You want booze, you have to beat me at Scrabble.


To Read the Entire Play

Click here: 1902.16 – Universal Truths

Paper Straws: A Lifetime of Activism

Paper Straws

The Brief

Today’s brief comes to us from the incredible Guerrilla Girls.

A while ago I saw one of their art works and asked them if they would be willing to let me send it to you. They were! So here it is. It’s a video. Your brief for the day is to watch it, and to respond to it! Respond to as many (if not all) of the points they are making. Create a piece that really makes a difference!


And if you don’t know about The Guerrilla Girls, please check them out! They do amazing work.


Remember, this is a weekend task, so take your time – changing the world requires effort!

And as always with weekend challenges – the only bonus points is for you to write something you’re happy with.


The Excerpt

So, I bought this bag of paper straws, and I could feel the casher looking at me, like, here’s some white woman with colored hair buying designer straws, and she thinks that’s gonna change the world.

But the thing is.

I’ve been changing the world all my life.

For example.

I am three years old. I hear my grandmother speak in whispers about how some woman I don’t know is a (whispers) lesbian (normal voice) and I don’t know what that means, so when Mommy gets home from work, I ask:

“Mommy, what’s a lesbian?”

And Mommy says, “well, when two men love each other, they’re gay, and when women love each other, they’re lesbians.”

And in my three-year-old heart, this is perfectly natural, so I say, “Well, I must be a lesbian, too, Mommy, because I love you.” And Mommy laughs and says, “You keep thinking just that way.”

To Read the Entire Play

Click here: 1902.15 – Paper Straws – A Lifetime of Activism

Love is a Place: An e e cummings’ poem, in the style of Mummenschantz



The Brief

There’s so much noise in the world it just makes you want to scream – but then… all you’ll be doing is just adding more noise! So how is that helpful?

If you live in a city – you have all the city noises.

If you live in the country – you have noises from nature.

So the challenge today is to help those suffering from Misophonia… write something without any sound whatsoever. Not just without dialogue – but actually soundless. No foot steps… no breathing… no nothing! Complete and utter silence!

Is that possible?

Hmm… sounds a bit too simple… and we’re already so advanced! So let’s add another layer to it- what’s the loudest form of theatre?


A pantomime!!!


The Excerpt

The display on LOVER’s tablet is a ticking clock.

LOVER mimes RAIN followed by SUN.

LOVER’s tablet displays each in turn.

LOVER mimes a plant growing up from the ground.

LOVER’s tablet displays a blooming flower.

LOVER touches their heart, then mimes looking at the flowering plant, then touches their heart again.

LOVER’s table displays a plant with a heart growing from it.


To Read the Entire Play

Click Here: 1902.14 – Love is a Place