Sometimes, I have pajama days.
Often on those days, I never bother to get dressed in “real” clothes, but because I work from home, I still get stuff done.
Other times, I turn everything off, and don’t even pretend to work.
I woke up yesterday morning feeling exhausted and dehydrated. “I’m writing a book review, and going back to bed,” I told my husband and our housemate. “I’m taking a sick day.”
I’m not actually SICK-sick; there’s nothing contagious. I’m just a little sinussy, overtired, dehydrated, crabby, and Marco the foster-pup is driving my allergies crazy, which is odd, because I’m not typically allergic to dogs.
I just needed a pajama day.
I spent yesterday sleeping and cuddling animals (yes, even Marco) and reading a mystery novel that I thought I was supposed to review on Monday (but I actually have another week for) and did I mention sleeping? Sadly, though, it was fitful sleep. I was too hot, too cold, had to use the bathroom, was incredibly thirsty, wash, rinse, repeat.
I woke up this morning feeling worse. “You’re going to have to be responsible for your own lunch,” I told my husband. “I’m writing this book spotlight that is due in an hour, and going back to bed.”
Except I didn’t quite go back to sleep. Instead, I made myself an omelet, read some more of that mystery novel (it doesn’t usually take me more than a day to read anything, so I know I’m feeling sluggish even if I’m not actually sick.), and watched some bad TV.
Then I took a bath.
Never underestimate the restorative properties of a really good steep in a tub full of bubble bath.
I didn’t read, or anything. Just closed my eyes, and steeped. Brewed. Marinated.
Then I washed my hair. I don’t often wash my hair in the tub, but sometimes it’s easier to just do it while I’m there. And sometimes washing it in the tub gives it extra body; don’t ask me why.
I’m not depressed or anything.
I don’t even feel blah – I just feel really depleted.
Here’s to a long weekend with tea and books and dogs.
And just a few more pajama days.
Image credit: abhishek4383 / 123RF Stock Photo