Only the Good Friday #1

I heard about OTGF from Thorne who quoted Shelly of This Eclectic Life, who wrote:

We are living in some pretty negative times, aren’t we? You can’t pick up a newspaper or turn on the television without hearing more bad news about the economy, the war, the stock market, the political candidates. I think that many of us are living in a state of fear (though I’m in the state of Texas).

Fear feeds upon itself. It’s like a contagious virus. I’m tired of adding to it. I want to start another kind of “virus.”
You see, I think that optimism can be contagious, too. If we consciously try to look at the good in the world around us, it will become easier to see.

I like the idea, so I offer three good things from today:

– My stepfather routinely sends me news from, and today he reminded me that not only is this month’s full moon, 14% wider and 30% brighter than most, it also comes in the middle of the Geminid Meteor Shower. Because of him, I know to spend some time outside tomorrow night, staring at the stars.

– Fuzzy not only brought home dinner, but he knew I was craving chocolate, so brought a brownie with it. AND THEN he did the dishes, rather than merely emptying the dishwasher for me, as I’d asked.

– My friend Deb made a point of calling to check in with me today. We’ve barely talked lately, and I know she’s feeling stressed, so I was really touched that she called.

What good things happened in your world tonight?